He Kupu Mō Mātou
About Us
Who are we?
Te Punanga Ora is the Iwi Māori Partnership Board (IMPB) for Taranaki. We play a role in the health reforms and maintain a strong meaningful relationship with whānau, hapu, hapori Māori who reside in Taranaki, our Te Manawa Taki IMPBs and a working relationship with the Government.
Our story
E anga ake ana te Titiro ki te tihi o Taranaki.
Koia hoki he tongi e tataki mai i te tangata i tua o kō atu.
Koia tēnei he reo maioha noa e tataki mai i a koutou ki tata o kō mai.
Nau mai e rarau ki tēnei kainga, ki tēnei rounga mahara ki te hunga ora, e noho nei hei marae whakatakoto kōrero mā tātou.
Tēnā whakatau mai ki Taranaki nei, ki tēnei ahu hauora.
Taranaki whānui, he rohe oranga.
Nā Dr Ruakere Hond
Turning your gaze upon the peak of Taranaki. Standing prominent as a reference point for people traveling from beyond our region.
This acknowledgment also stands prominent as a reference point for you all who have come close. Come forth and be settled within this environment, within this merging of ideas regarding life, functioning as open ground upon which statements may be made and heard.
Consider this welcome of Taranaki, this pursuit of health.
Taranaki together, a healthy community
Ngā rohe ā iwi ki Taranaki
Kotahi te Maunga
E toru ngā waka
E waru ngā iwi
“Tokomaru o Whata”
“Kurahaupō i wāhia ki Rangitāhuahua”.
“Aotea utanga nui. i te kai. i te kōrero”
O Mātou Moemoea
Our Vision
Kia piki te Hauora o ngā iwi o Taranaki uri me ngai Māori katoa hei oranga mō te āpōpō.
Ensuring our whānau have a culturally healthy future
O Mātou Whakatanga
Our Vision
To lead Māori perspectives on:
- The needs and aspirations of Māori in relation to Hauora Māori outcomes across the whole health system; and
- How the health system is performing in relation to those needs and aspirations; and
- The design and delivery of services and public health interventions within Taranaki
Ngā Uara | Our Values
Mana Motuhake
Enabling Māori self determination.
Caring for each other in mana-enhancing ways.
Working as one as Māori and whānau.
Empathy for others always.
Hold people responsible to what they say and do and how they do it.
To act with integrity, to be consistent in what they do, and do it with aroha.
Ngā Mātāpono
Our Principles
Drive improvements for whānau
Mana whenua, mana motuhake
Ka mua, ka muri
Building on the gains
Build iwi and Māori capacity and capability
Te Whatu Ora role: to support and enable
Te Whatu Ora role: to work in partnership with mana whenua
O Mātou Āhuatanga
Our function
Te Punanga Ora is recognized within Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022 (Pae Ora) as the legislated Iwi Māori Partnership Board (IMPB) in Taranaki.
The function of an IMPB is outlined in Pae Ora as:
1. An iwi-Māori partnership board has the following functions:
- to engage with whānau and hapū about local health needs, and communicate the results and insights from that engagement to Health New Zealand:
- to evaluate the current state of hauora Māori in the relevant locality for the purpose of determining priorities for improving hauora Māori:
- to work with Health New Zealand in developing priorities for improving hauora Māori:
- to monitor the performance of the health sector in a relevant locality:
- to engage with Health New Zealand and support its stewardship of hauora Māori and its priorities for kaupapa Māori investment and innovation:
- to report on the hauora Māori activities of Health New Zealand to Māori within the area covered by the iwi-Māori partnership board.
2. In this section, relevant locality means the locality or localities within the area covered by an iwi-Māori partnership board.
Ngā Whanonga Pono O Te Tiriti O Waitangi
Te Tiriti o Waitangi Principles
Active Participation
Actively pursue Māori health equity.
Enabling Māori self determination.
Tino Rangatiratanga
Provide for self-determination.
Crown/Māori partnership in governance, design, delivery and monitoring.
Whānau choose kaupapa Māori or culturally mainstream services.